dimarts, 2 de desembre del 2014


Last week I did a oral presentation with my friend, Albin, we explained The Roman Weddings. 
We talk about how they did the ceremony, how they divorced, how they dressed up...
I think we did a good job, I was a little bit nervous like all the class, because do an oral presentation isn't easy as well.
This topic is so interesting because our culture is a evolution of Roman's culture and they also did some actions and wear some clothes that perdured in our society, like the wedding's ring. 
I think I need to imporve my english accent, and my gesticulation during the presentation 


Once upon a time there was a little Kingdom called LittlebigKingdom.
This kingdom was situated in a strange country in a strange world.
The kingdom was full of zombie apocalyptic unicorns, but also there were normal animals, well they could talk and make some things with magic, although they were mortals.
LittlebigKingdom was so big and had a lot of towns and cities; the capital was called Leviosa, and there was where the King, Queen, and Princess lived. But an  organization of bears had kidnapped this ugly Princess and if the Kingdom didn’t pay, they would send some unicorn zombies, and this organization did exactly what they said.
In that time living in the towns was so dangerous because there weren't protective measures for unicon zombies. In conclusion if you lived in a town you couldn't stay in the road for a long time.
In the cities it was different, there were protective measures. The majority of the population lived in the cities, but they weren’t secure at all because the cities were over populated and there weren't  sufficient homes for all and food or something to drink, so the cities started to be  absolute chaos.
In Leviosa it was  quite good, because there were only 1 or 2 million people living there becauseit was exclusive. Only could live people who had some money. But to live there was not a guarantee to live, so many people died in those dark days.
But, now we need to travel to a little town called LittleWinggin where  our protagonist lived; Ginny.
Ginny was a little girl, who needed to fight every day to stay alive.
All started on one normal day for our little protagonist; Ginny.
Ginny woke up when her mother called her to go to school, she started the routine; put her clothes on, prepared the bag for school....
Ginny, like other days, took a gun for the unicorns and started the journey to go to  school. In the first part of the jouney she killed (well, not killed because the unicorns cannot die) four zombie unicorns, that was so unusual, the unicorns normally didn't come in those hours, but our girl continued the journey and killed more unicorns, but those weren't normal, they were unbeatable. The unicorns were approaching Ginny and she was so scared, Ginny could not fight or escape, she was a dead girl. Suddenly one magic panther appeared, It observed all the unicorns and started to fight, the combat was so exiting, and finally the panther won.
Ginny was so surprised, she was alive, but also she needed to say thanks to the panther;
“Panther!” - she called, and panther turned around slowly..
”Yes?”-said the panther
“Thanks for saving my life” said Ginny so slowly
“ Don't worry but you need to help me to save this crazy world” said the panther “How?...How I can help you? I'm only a little girl in a big world!” said Ginny
“No, you are the chosen one” said the Panther
“How canI be the chose one? I'm only a normal girl” said Ginny
“No, you aren't, you were born on the 20th of September in 2500 like the prophecy says ;”On the 20th of September one herowill be born and one age will fall” You are this girl Ginny, you are destined to save this world, please help me in this difficult task, and if we win you will be a hero” said panther pleading
Ginny told Panther she would help him
“Thanks!”  said Panther and  smiled and then he teletransported them both to another world.
Ginny turned around and looked at all that strange place; all was made with chocolate, candys,  cakes,  and also with panes of clear sugar.
Ginny  was amazed,how was this normal? She wanted to eat some chocolate, but before she did, the pantera so scared said:” DON'T EAT THAT! IF YOU EAT SOMETHING MADE IN THIS PLACE YOU WILL STAY HERE FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!”
Ginny, frightened, left that part of window made with chocolate and some sweets.
Ginny walked through streets made with cream and candied fruit, all looked sweet and inoffensive, but you shouldn’t eat something made in this SweetKingom, not if you love your live.

Ginny and Panther walked around this magic, and sweet world, but dangerous too. They were searching a castle, because possibly the kidnapped princess was there.
While this pair of heroes were walking they also talked...
“How will we find the princess panther?” said Ginny
“Well, we need to fine a castle, then I hope it will be easy” said Panther
“What? How can it be easy? We possibly will need to fight, and I'm only ten years old! That's not easy!!- Said Ginny nervously.
“Ginny, please, it will be easy, just, trust in yourself” said Panther, while he was walking faster.
“ Wait.. how  do you know my name?” said Ginny
“Well, thats not exactly a secret, everybody knows you”said panther
“Everybody? Why?” said Ginny
“You are the chosen one, I told you before, for that everybody knows you are destined to save the Kingdom- said Panther
“Okay... but just... What is your name pantera?” asked Ginny
“My name...My name is Seven” said Seven
“Seven? Like the number?” Ginny laughed
“Yes” answered Seven a little bit annoyed
“But, why seven?” said Ginny
“Because I only have seven fears” said Seven
“Oh, Okay” said Ginny
After all this conversation our heroes were walking for two or three hours through a  forest.
This forest was made with chocolate,cream,sweets, candied fruit, goodies, sweets, treats, and also with cakes but all types of cakes; with chocolate, lemon, cram, strawberry, canella, warm apple pie etc....
There was also a river, but in the river there wasn't water, there was liquid sugar, but in this river there weren`t fish or frogs.
In all the forest there wasn't any animal! All was so quiet, extremely quiet.
Ginny asked Seven “Why all it so quiet? Do you think they are watching us?”
“I don't know little girl, it is possible, we need to go faster” said Seven
And then they started to run avoiding the candy trees,rocks and grass.
But Suddenly appeared a cross road, our heros didn't know which was the correct road so they chose the difficult one, because they thought the easy one was a trap.
The road was through a tunnel, and all was made with something sweet like all the other things, but this tunnel tunnel was so dark and that was so strange because the roof was made with sheer sugar, so theoretically  the sun light could shine through the sugar and illuminate the tunnel, but no, all was dark and our heroes couldn`t se anything.
“Seven, Can you see anything? - Said ginny walking so slowly
Seven said he could not see anything and told Ginny that they must go faster. They had to save the Princess before sunset.
Finally they got out of the tunnel and they found a castle, and it was made with sugar,chocolate and a lot of sweet things.
They got inside the castle, and all was so quiet, like all this sweet kingdom.
Ginny and Seven started to run into the castle and finally they found a bedroom and inside there was the Princess, but amazingly she was a beautiful girl, with  blue eyes and with a lot of blond hair, she was like Rapunzel.
“Are you the princess from LittleBigKindogm?” said Ginny and Seven at the same time
“Yes, I am” said the princess
“But, now you are so beautiful, How is this?” said Seven
“I don't know, when I put on this ring this happened “ said the princess.
Seven explained to the Princess that she had to take off the ring if she wanted to return home. The Princess likerd being pretty and at first she did not want to take off the ring. Finally she threw the ring on the floor and it broke.
“ Now how will we esape?There is a dragon waching us” explained the little princess
Suddenly they heard a Dragon's bellow.
“We need to kill it “said Ginny “Just, trust in me” said ginny.
She started to run downstairs with a sword what found in the bedroom before she started to run. When they were downstairs the Dragon appeared, it was so big and pink -what was a little bit strange, normally the dragons aren't pink- and this dragon could talk and said:
“You never will pass this door”. And when the dragon said these words the fight started, they were fighting for hours, when finally our team won.
When the first drop of blood fell onto the floor, they were teletransported to the Castel in Leviosa, and the zombie unicorns had disappeared  and all was normal again
At the castle, Seven, the panther was transformed into a handsome boy, who became Ginny's best friend.
And LittleBigKindogm was happy again. And everybody lived happily every after.