In this video, a Clinical psychologist Meg Jay does a speech for all the twentysomethings.
Meg Jay says contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not a useless decade, says that just because marriage, work and kids
are happening later in life, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now.
Meg Jay keep saying in the tewentys is the time to explore and fail, and keep exploring. During your twenty happen the most of the experiences that define you, the twentys are time to educate yourself, it is a critical development to your adulthood.
Finally Meg Jay give us some adivces:
"Get some identity capital, do something that it is value for who you are" ,"Time to picking your family is now" .
In conclusion, Meg says the twentys is time to educate yourself and also it's the time for start planning your future life.
I think Meg Jay is right, the twentys is time to explore and educate yourself, what will you do in this time will mark you for the rest of your life, is necessary to use all these years for improve your identity. University is the best place to do all these improvments.
And, I think, those who say 30' is the new 20', is because they wasted all their 20' and now they are trying to make up all the time lost.