divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2014

Summer in five words

I have five words to describe my summer.

Beach: This summer I went to the beach, like every summer, but this summer there were plenty of people because people didn't want to pay to stay on the other beach to Empuriabrava

Summer Camp: In July I went to Mas Banyeres, a summer camp, was very funny like every year. I stayed there two weeks, I met a lot of nice people and I met Emma too, my best friend, there. I met her three years ago in this summer camp, so since that summer we meet every christmas and summer in the summer camp, but we talk every day with "Whats app". 

London:  Before I went to summer camp I travelled to London with my family. I visited a lot of museums, I visited parks too, like Hyde Park, and some important buldings like Big Ben. 
And I went to Warner Bross Studio Tour London too. All the trip was so exiting and a big opportunity for improve my english.

Relax:  This summer I didn't did anything abut the secundary school. So no homework, no study. Was relax too because I went every day to the beach -exept the rainly days- to read, and was so relaxing.

Friends: This summer -like others summers- I met with my friends for celebrate diferents things like Sant Joan. And we went to Aquabrava for four or five times in all the summer, but in the beach we went more often.
But we also met with no reason ,we laughed a lot

In conclusion it was a fantastic summer but the weather can be better. 



divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014

Podcast : What's the best st[age] ?

Vocaroo Voice Message

E-mail to my teacher

Hello, my name is Jordina.
I will tell you somethings about me, like personal details and my experience with some languages.
My favorites sports are swiming and skiing. I like these sports because I practise it since I was little.
I go to the swiming pool every Monday and Friday, all the year and I have a lot of friends there. I prefer Monday than Firdays because is more difficulty.
Of course I can't go to skiing all the year because there is no snow in summer so I go to skiing at winter and every Saturday during all the season.
My favorite music group is Txarango and this summer I went to Figueres -La Acústica- for listen it. My favorites songs are Esparança and Quan tot s'enlaira, but I love all the songs of this musical group.
About languages, I speak four languages more or less ; Catalan,Spanish,English and French, and I'm learning Latin and Greek but I can't speak to persons so.. Well, I can speak with the Papa... but no.
I'm learning English since first of primary but in particular lessons, and I thinlk i have a good level. The teacher is preparing us for take the First this year.
I went to summer camps in english, but in Catalonia, and this summer I travelled to London with my family. 

Bye, See you Soon!