divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014

E-mail to my teacher

Hello, my name is Jordina.
I will tell you somethings about me, like personal details and my experience with some languages.
My favorites sports are swiming and skiing. I like these sports because I practise it since I was little.
I go to the swiming pool every Monday and Friday, all the year and I have a lot of friends there. I prefer Monday than Firdays because is more difficulty.
Of course I can't go to skiing all the year because there is no snow in summer so I go to skiing at winter and every Saturday during all the season.
My favorite music group is Txarango and this summer I went to Figueres -La Acústica- for listen it. My favorites songs are Esparança and Quan tot s'enlaira, but I love all the songs of this musical group.
About languages, I speak four languages more or less ; Catalan,Spanish,English and French, and I'm learning Latin and Greek but I can't speak to persons so.. Well, I can speak with the Papa... but no.
I'm learning English since first of primary but in particular lessons, and I thinlk i have a good level. The teacher is preparing us for take the First this year.
I went to summer camps in english, but in Catalonia, and this summer I travelled to London with my family. 

Bye, See you Soon!  

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