diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

Countries I want to travel

I really love travell and I'm glad I have visited many countries with my family and friends, but I want to know more about the rest of the planet. 
I have vist not a lot of countries but these are which I have vistited: -Spain(Granda,Euskadi,Valencia...)
-United Kingdom(1)

I have a list of my TOP 5 COUNTRIES I want to visit. The majority of them are in Asia or in Oceania, because they have really diffrent cultures and I want to learn more about them.

*5: The fifith Country I want to visit is Indonesia, Indonesia is an archipelago and it is situated in Oceania, It has a tropical climate and a lot of different animal species. 

4*The fourth country I want to visit is India. I want to visit india for their culture, their way to see the world and also I want to participate in a Holli, ourdays this famous celebration became so famous and like everyone I want to took part in it. 

3* The third country I want to visit is Japan, because I love sushi and I also love their culture I'm not a otaku but I'm interested in their culture and all this kind of things. 

2*The second country I want to visit is Australia.  I know it is a typical destination but I don't know, I just olve Australia his animals, beaches....

1* And the first country I want to visit is.... NEW ZEALAND! New zealand is in the opposite part of the world  and they are the first who can see the sunrise. And also New Zealand is home to more species of penguins than any other country. Anyway, New Zealand also have the best landscapes in all world (in my opinion), I just olve this country.


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