divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

My THG fanfiction

I have a watpadd account and I really use often this app. During the past September I made a fan fiction what talks about The Hunger Games.

In particular, This fan fiction talks about another-epilogue-version of Mockingjay because I didn't liked the "official" version so I made my own version! In this version Katniss is with Peeta and has 2 sons in District 12 but his life hasn't change very much, of course that now se has different priorities but she is still enjoining some hunting outing. So my fan fiction explains her hunting day but while she is remembering the old Katniss and suddenly Gale appears.

I didn't write this fan fiction for views or comment or something like that, I really enjoyed writing that and since November the fan fiction's views start growing and now I have like 400 views.

This one-shoot fan fiction is in catalan but I've made another version with spanish and it have some good comments to!!

While my fan fiction was growing I started receiving come good comments like...
M'encanta!!! M'agrada més aquest epíleg que el del mateix llibre!!!

Xiselaaabr. 11, 2016 04:49PM

Molt xuloo 
Entenc el que has escrit al principi, però si continues segur que et surt bé 

_Horrocruxdic. 11, 2015 11:34PM

M'ha encantat el relat, PERFECTE

Abironskinov. 02, 2015 10:58PM


You can read the fan fiction here!

<iframe width="500" height="280" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="https://embed.wattpad.com/story/49525266" ></iframe>

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