dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2015

False Friends

False friends are something that I personally hate. Especially as a Catalan student trying to learn English in a correct way, false friends keep making me fallback.
So... what are they exactly? They are words that sound very similar, or written in a similar way in Spanish/Catalan and English, and that cause confusion in tests or in conversations...And I don't like that.

For example, the word "mediocre" in Spanish means something that is low and bad, but the same word in English it means something normal, something not excellent or very bad, simply in the middle. This word can make confusions too.
Another false friend is embarrassed, It means feeling ashamed but in Spanish or Catalan it is similar to "Embarassada", it means pregnant.
So,.. I hate them, everyone else hates them and they only confuse everyone, false friends must be removed! The World  will be better!! 

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