dilluns, 2 de març del 2015

A trip to London

Last summer I went toLondon. It was a incredible oportunity for learning more english, and I used that opportunity. 
This trip was very exciting, but before do it I was a little bit nervous because was a different language ( I had travelled to France, Italy etc but all these countries are latin countries and more or less the languages are similar)
In London I visited Warner Bros Studio Tour London is a studio what have the Harry Potter's Making off and it was sooo exciting, I did a lot of photos and I bought a Ravenclaw's scarf. So it was fantsatic.
We visited the typical London monuments and museums; The Big Ben, the London, the British muesum.

In London, we had a little bit of problems, the hotel was horrible; It was very small and not tidy at all. And we had another problem with the Warner Bross ticket's, but finally we can went to the parck. 

I have some photos:

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