divendres, 6 de març del 2015

Podcast- Australia

First of all, this photo is located in Australia,the country that I want to visit, I can recognize that place because in the middle of the photo you can see The Uluru's rock and one post with a Kangaroo's drawing in the left side.

The Uluru's rock, like his name says is a big red rock, it surface isn't smooth, it has holes and cracks. This big rock is surrounded by scanty vegetation and yellow sand. 
At the top you can see a blue sky with some clouds, there isn't a sun in the photo.
At the left side you can see a brush. At the middle and in the bot there is a road sorrounded by some brush and yellow sand. 
Also in the first shot there is the post, with an orange triangle and in the middle of this triangle there is a Kangaroo's drawing, and that post warn for wild Kangaroos. 
I think this imatge represents the essence of Australia, the wild part of Australia, the part that I want to visit in my future travells or gap years

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