divendres, 6 de març del 2015

Podcast- Australia

First of all, this photo is located in Australia,the country that I want to visit, I can recognize that place because in the middle of the photo you can see The Uluru's rock and one post with a Kangaroo's drawing in the left side.

The Uluru's rock, like his name says is a big red rock, it surface isn't smooth, it has holes and cracks. This big rock is surrounded by scanty vegetation and yellow sand. 
At the top you can see a blue sky with some clouds, there isn't a sun in the photo.
At the left side you can see a brush. At the middle and in the bot there is a road sorrounded by some brush and yellow sand. 
Also in the first shot there is the post, with an orange triangle and in the middle of this triangle there is a Kangaroo's drawing, and that post warn for wild Kangaroos. 
I think this imatge represents the essence of Australia, the wild part of Australia, the part that I want to visit in my future travells or gap years

Presentation- Self-Avaluation

Albin and me, last week, presented our presentation about New Zealand, we explained the essencial features like; the New Zealand economy the tourism, the language etc...Also, we did a special part for fun facts.! 
I think we did a good job but we can did it better, especially for me, because I didn't learn all the speech, but Albin did it and that was awsome. I think my pronunsation was okay.   

( In this video you only can see our presentation without the funfacts because in the funfacts video there is a conversation with the teacher, gabriel , albin and me... Thank-you Pau *sarcasm* ) 

New 3

'Exceptional tomb of Celtic prince' found in France 

( Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31747159) 

A tomb from the 5th Century BC of Celtic prince has been unearthed on Lavau in France's Champagne region.
The national Archaelogical Research Institute said that;  "The grave contain Greek and possibly Etruscan artefacts "A team from Inrap has been excavating around the grave, and they have dated it to the end of the First Iron Age.
The burial mound,  it has 40m  across, in the center has burial chamber. The Inrap's president said:  "It is probably a local Celtic prince," Inrap said too: "it is one of the largest recorded burial chambers for this period and is "exceptional" not only because of its size but also for the quality of the material unearthed"
The 5th and 6th Century BC  in the southern France the etruscan and de Greek stay in cities like Marseille .Also, Mediterranean merchants, opened exchange with continental Celts.
Personal Opinion: 
I think that discovery is incredible because we can learn more of the culture and the Celtic thoughts or religion. We don't know enough of this awsome civilisation and that grave can show us some many things, because when they did the burials, in the coffin they put some jewellery 
 and also food. 
Some photos: 
The site
One of the finds


Nimrud: Outcry as IS bulldozers attack ancient Iraq site: 

(link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-31760656) 


The terrorists began demolishing the site, which was founded in the 13th Century BC and the head of the UN's cultural agency say that destruction in Iraq was a "war crime", one Iraqi archaelogist say: "They are erasing our history," 
Nimrud is situated on the Tigris river, in 30km  south-east of Mosul, which IS controls.Many of the statues found there have been moved to museums in Baghdad.
The bbc's correspondent  Jim Muir says the attempt to destroy Nimrud is being compared with the Taliban's demolition of the Bamiyan Buddha rock sculptures. The correspondent said that  it is not yet clear whether it has been totally destroyed.
Irina Bokova, head of the UN cultural agency Unesco, condemned the assault. And she said: "This is yet another attack against the Iraqi people, reminding us that nothing is safe from the cultural cleansing under way in the country,". She in conclusion said that that's attacks need to be punished and that attack was also condemned by the UN as a war crime.
My opinion: I honestly think, that crimes need a punishment because they apart for destroy some scultures they destroy a piece of their own culture and history and that's bad because we need to know what we are for know what we will do in the future. But IS are crazy, they only belives in their own faith and discount other cultures and faiths. 
There are some photos: Iraqi workers clean a statue at an archaeological site in Nimrud, 35km (22 miles) southeast of Mosul, northern Iraq, in 2001 Ancient statue of a winged bull with a human face at the archaeological site of Nimrud, south of Mosul in northern Iraq, in 2001
( and also one video)

dijous, 5 de març del 2015


German BND spy agency hit by 'Watergate' leak (link http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31746602)

Germany's Federal Intelligence Service  is dealing with "Watergate" scandal.
 The police say: the extraction happened on Tuesday and  cause large parts of the building flooded.The investigation started on the stealling and police don't found  signs of a break-in.A big quantity of water set free when the taps were taken away, and it enter into the cable and ventulation of shafts
Work on the new home for Germany's intelligence service, which is moving from Munich to Berlin, started in 2006 and its opening has been delayed several times.
The latest date for completion, by the end of 2016, that date was already in doubt even before news of the slows
The  disappearance of the taps, has caused considerable reaction on social networking sites.
I think that accident is a little bit silly and with the correct precautions they will can avoid these problems in the future. Possibly that attack was caused with some EU's enemy and that's a problem. 
BND HQ in Berlin (file pic)

My favorite music group.

My favorite music group is Txarango, this group was created on Barcelona in 2010 but they are from Osona. The actual members of that group are:  Alguer Miquel (singer), Marcel Lázara Tito (singer and guitar), Sergi Carbonell Hipi (piano), Joaquim Canals (drum kin), Àlex Pujols (bass guitar), Pau Puig (percussion), Ivan López (saxo) and Jordi Barnola (trompet). They play reggae, cumbia, pop and salsa. 
They have done some tours like:  Welcome to Clownia(2010-2011) Benvinguts al llarg viatge(2012) and Som riu (2014). Som riu is the last tour that they have done and that's the tour that I have seen, and I want to go to Canet Rock because they will play there. 

One of my favorite songs in Som riu's CD are: Tan de bo; because it represents the change in the positive way. ( the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bv9IkXeTNM ) Another song is: Com dues gotes d'aigua because it represents my friendship with my best friend, it represents our trust. ( the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL6J_3gbzyA) And the last one is Músic de Carrer... I love that song because It remember me one book; A dance with dragons by GRMartin, but also it remeber me last summer that was awsome in Mas banyeres's Summer Camp. 

But I Love all the songs by Txarango because every song talk about many histories and  feelings. 

dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

If you have a super power what would it be?

My perfect super power will be a cicic power because with this power you can do everything. But I also want a stop-time power because in exams it will be awsome, you don't need to study only stop the time and copy.

If the population have super powers the world will enter in chaos, because they can't controll theirselfs.

One film about super powers apart of Marvel and Comic Dc is "the incredibles" and it talk about one family that each member of the family have a super power and the doughter has the super power that I want.
I think all the force super powers are overrated, I mean, you just have an extra force that's not useful, that's a problem because with this super power you just broke everything.
Super velocity, is okay too but thr power to teletransport is better because you don't need vehicles for travell, and it is free. For example, At the morning you can wake up at 7:45 and at 8 o'clock teletransport yourself to your class, in your chair.

In conclusion, my super power will be cicic power that can include teletransport and magnetic field too. But the best superpower to deal with the problems is positivism

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015

Chinese New Year-The goat

Last week I  was talking with a friend about the Chinese New Year, is for that I will write about it.
Actually we are in the goat's year. According to the chinese astrology each year is associated with and animal.

My zodiac chinese year is the tiger. The tiger is my zodiac symbol because I was born in 1998.
The tiger is the third animal of the chinese zodiac animals. Each year has an animal according to a 12-year-cycle.

The tiger's lucky colors are: blue, grey and orange. Also, blue is my favorite color.
My lucky numbers are: 1,3 and 4, four, is also, my favorite number too.
And finally my lucky flowers are: yellow lily, and cinerania, these flowers are indiferent to me.

The tiger is brave, confident adventurous, expansive open and independent. I think I'm very independent and open and also, I'm brave, not like a tiger, but a little bit. The tiger is inpredictable and self-confident, and I'm that too.

The tiger careers are advertising agent, office maeger, travel agent, wirter and artist, and all these careers don't work for me. But wirter maybe is a good career.

After the work they feel exhausted after extended work, we need some time for relax to refresh myself. And I really need that after school.

In conclusion, I think all these tiger qualities work for me, except for the careers. But maybe I will change the lucky flowers and the careers too.

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015

A trip to London

Last summer I went toLondon. It was a incredible oportunity for learning more english, and I used that opportunity. 
This trip was very exciting, but before do it I was a little bit nervous because was a different language ( I had travelled to France, Italy etc but all these countries are latin countries and more or less the languages are similar)
In London I visited Warner Bros Studio Tour London is a studio what have the Harry Potter's Making off and it was sooo exciting, I did a lot of photos and I bought a Ravenclaw's scarf. So it was fantsatic.
We visited the typical London monuments and museums; The Big Ben, the London, the British muesum.

In London, we had a little bit of problems, the hotel was horrible; It was very small and not tidy at all. And we had another problem with the Warner Bross ticket's, but finally we can went to the parck. 

I have some photos: