dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015


Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3329998/Police-ask-Belgians-not-tweet-Brussels-raids-posted-pictures-cats.html


During this week Belgian police asked people to use the hastag #BrusselsLockdown, so not to tweet details of their respective opperations. All of Brusels population rebelled against this petition by posting hilarious pictores of their cats.
Brussels was in lockdown for a third day, so the streets were deserted.

Some posted cats looking suspicous, others peacefull, and the most of them scared. Mateusz Kukulka a media specialist said that he had seen more #lolcats that had seen in the rest of his life.

Finally, Belgian police didn't find any explosives or weapons.
(Some tweets:



I think it's a good way to fight agains the terrorist because this method uses humour, a important democracy's weapon.
Also, it's funny because they're cats and it's wellknown cats are so cute, so it's ironic the relation cuteness-terrorism.
Finally, in my opinion, it's also good, because Belgians don't reveal police strategy.

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