diumenge, 13 de març del 2016


During this term in class we did some audios, Here they are;


Angela Merkel is set to be punished by voters over her open-door refugee policy in Germany's 'Super Sunday' state elections


On Super Sunday three german regions vote for state legislatures; and Christian democratic union Party is expected to see  drop in support, those are the first major elections in Germany since the start of the migration crisis. The Merkel's "open door" has been criticized in Germany. And while the big winners are winning Social Democrats are losing. 
Losses: It is predicted to be uncomfortable viewing for Merkel's Christian Democratic Union when polls close in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt today
Anti-Merkel: Right-wing activists protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Saturday, ahead of Sunday's state elections, the first since the start of the refugee crisis
  • Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt all vote and Angela Merkel's party set to lose support in the wake of refugee crisis
  • Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany(AFD) set to win seats, plus right-wing populism has won new support across the EU in the wake of the refugee crisis, with parties with similar agendas to AfD rising in the polls. 
  • Germany registered nearly 1.1 million people as asylum-seekers last year, plus Merkel said  'we will manage' the challenge.

  • Personal Opinion 

  • I Think this is a tricky topic because there are a lot of refugees and there isn't enough space for everybody, and in Germany they only want the "graduated ones", the better ones, because of that the policy is being criticized. I really don't know what we should do, maybe repair the conflict in Syria (and not keep fighting for money, because that's what France, Russia and others are doing). 

  • 'Quit being Chicken Little': Stacey Dash slams Leonardo DiCaprio's 'foolish alarm' over climate change


    It is known for everybody that Leo finally won an oscar for his movie called: The revenant. Well, during his speech he talked about the climate change, because during the filming of his film, he saw the direct impacts of the climate change. His speech have been criticized by Stacey Dash.
    Di Caprio urged people to work together to stop 'urgent threat' but she said that 
    • temperatures have risen in recent years, but was skeptical of the dangers of global warming
    • Dash, who made a  cameo at the Oscars ceremony, is known for her controversial views 

    Stacey Dash (pictured) made an awkward cameo at the Oscars on February 28
    She has now criticized Leonardo DiCaprio's acceptance speech which drew attention to the threat of climate change

    Dash's Tweet: 
    Dash accused The Revenant actor for his 'foolish alarm,' likening him to to the old folk tale character Chicken Little, who believes the sky is falling when an acorn falls on her head

    Personal opinion: 

    I think Dash is an unconscious actress who lives in a "fantastic world", Leo take benefit of his speech and I think it was so necessary because with this now everybody talks about the climate change. 
    And Finally I need to say that I'm so happy of Leo's achievement. 

    My favourite youtubers CORRECT

    One of my favourtie platforms online is youtube because it is a great place to know what is trending or what life is like in another countries.

    I'm subscribed to a lot of channels but my favourite are:

    1- YellowMellowMG: She is a spanish youtuber who was born in France but she lives in Madrid nowadays, also she lived in Barcelona too. Now she just arrived to 1 million subscribes so I'm so happy, also in this moment she is in NZ, before that she was in Australia and on February she was in Punta Cana. I love her video-vlogs because she is always travelling and discovering new places for me and for her... Oh! also she is a singer and some month ago she published one single called "Phantom Limb"
    2- LuzuVlogs: He is a spanish youtuber too but nowadays he lives in Los Angeles with his girlfriend Lana ( Lana is from USA but she speaks spanish too) 

    Luzu is a vlogger but a gamer too and he is very funny, dynamic and gorgeous, she travels a lot like Melo; He went to Caribe, Argentina and Chile with Melo and another youtubers. I think Luzu has like 4 million subscribers.
    Also, Lana has a channel too.

    3- Lepolda Olda
    Leo is a catalan youtuber and she has a strange sense of humor what makes me laugh every time I see her videos, she started doing videos because she went to Glasgow during one Erasmus and during her stay there, she made some videos telling her experience. Now she is performing to Fang i Setge musical in Barcelona, also before this musical she performed on Mar i Cel.

    My Favourite apps CORRECT

    As every Teen in my mobile phone I have a lot of apps, and because of that I'm going to make a Top 3 List.

    First of all, I have a lot of different apps but the best are:

    1- Wattpad: Wattpad is a writing community in which users are able to post articlesstoriesfan fiction, and poems and it gives people the change to get their work recognized. This app was created by  Allen Lau and Ivan Yuen but WP Technology, Inc. is the owner. I have an account there and I write some original stories and some fan fictions.

    2- Whats app: This app is provably the best known app in the world and of course it needed to be in my top 3 list; It is a platform that it allows to send messages without any tax, also in this app you are allowed to send "emojis".My favourite emoji is the black moon. 
    3- And Finally Snapchat; this app allows to send photos to your friends or to your history, it's good to say that the photos only last 24 hours and If someone does a snapshot it is informed to you. 
    Also, now snapchat has improved and with one option it is feasible to change your face with another person. 

    Nip tuck dialogue

    In class Sergi and I made a dialogue based on aesthetic operation, here it is:

    Hannah: I think that I should get an operation.
    Dianne: But, why?
    Hannah: Cause I don't feel good with my body
    Dianne: But you don't need it, you are gorgeous
    Hannah: Are you kidding me?
    Dianne: No girl, I'm being serious
    Hannah: I can't compete with another girls
    Dianne: What the heck is wrong with you?
    Hannah? It's just like...
    Dianne: What?
    Hannah: I just want to get operated, it's not like a big deal
    Dianne: Surjeons just want to take your money, and you know it, don't you?
    Hannah: Maybe you're right
    Dianne: Of ourse I'm right
    Hannah: But not always, some of them just want to help...
    Dianne: A lot of them are just assholes, aren't they?
    Hannah: Maybe...
    Dianne: Let's stop talking about this before i get sick and let's get something to eat
    Hannah: K

    Shutter island: Review CORRECT

    Last Night I watched Shutter island; at first I didn't want to watched it because it was like 1am but Leo DiCaprio was the main character and... obviously I needed to watch the movie. 

    Well,  "Shutter Island is a 2010 American "neo-noir" psychological thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film is based on Dennis Lehane's 2003 novel of the same name" as wikipedia said. 

    All starts with a dizzy Andrew Daniels sailing, he with Chuck are going to a prison-psychiatrist  called Ashecliffe Hospital because they are going to investigate the disappearance of  a patient called Rachel Solando who was incarcerated for drowning her three children. Their only clue is a note left by Solando: "The law of 4; who is 67?" They arrive just before a storm comes, impeding their return to the mainland for a few days. 

    Andrew and his colleague Chuck keep investigating with Dr. John Cawley, the lead psychiatrist. Our police-man want to search into the staff reports but John doesn't allow them. 
    They are told Ward C is off limits and the lighthouse has already been searched. One patient, during interrogation, secretly writes "RUN" in Daniels' notepad. Daniels starts to have migraine headaches, and has visions of his involvement in the Dachau liberation and nightmares of his wife, Dolores Chanal, who was killed by Andrew Laeddis. In one dream, Chanal tells Daniels that Solando is still on the island, Daniels later explains to Aule that locating Laeddis was a motive for taking the case. 
    In Ward C Andrew meets George Noyce. Noyce warns Daniels that the doctors are doing experiments on the patients, they are taken to the lighthouse to be lobotomized. Noyce warns Daniels that everyone else on the island, including Aule, is playing a game designed by Daniels. Daniels come back with Aule and they go to the lighthouse. While they are climbing the cliffs, they become separated, and Daniels later sees a body on the rocks below. But when he is finally near the rocks the body is gone, also he finds a cave where a woman is hiding and says to be the real Solando. She says that she was a psychiatrist at the hospital until she discovered the experiments to develop mind control techniques. And because this discovery she was committed as a patient. Daniels returns to the hospital without Chuck.

    Daniels breaks into the lighthouse. There, he finds Cawley waiting for him; he explains that Daniels i Leaedis, the most dangerous patient, he keeps saying that he was incarcerated in Ward C for murdering his wife after she killed their children in the lake. "Edward Daniels" and "Rachel Solando" are anagrams of "Andrew Laeddis" and "Dolores Chanal" ("the law of 4"), and he is the 67th patient at Ashecliffe. Also he discovers that the little girl from his nightmares is his little daughter, Rachel. The migraines Laeddis suffered were a result of being off his medication.
    Laeddis awakes back in the hospital, and is asked questions regarding his personality by Cawley and Sheehan, which he answers as Laeddis. Then appeared a relaxed Laeddis on the hospital grounds with Sheehan (Chuck), he refers to Sheehan as Chuck and tells him they need to leave the island. And with this signs of regression, Laedis is taken by the guards to the lighthouse. Laeddis lets himself be taken, but asks Sheehan "Which would be worse – to live as a monster, or to die as a good man?", refering that he knows who is he but he prefers being lobotimatized and die (or live) thinking he was a good man than living without the operation thinking he was a monster. 

    My opinion: 
    I really fell in love with this movie, I loved every single detail and obviously the final phrase; he knows who is he but he prefers to be killed. 
    I watched some movies like this; someone thinks to be another person because he suffered a  lot of traumas, for example After Life starring Liam Neeson.

    This films goes directly yo my top 5 favourite films. 

    dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

    Oral presentation: TDR

    During this months we did our TDR oral presentation in english. My presentation was about 6 Tapesstries inspired on the Eneida, these tapesstries were located in The Castell de Peralada. 

    During the presentation I made some pronunciation mistakes, I need to improve that; so I think the mark that I got is fair.

    MY prezi

    Twister: Review

    Today I watched an exciting drama film called Twister on TV, this disaster drama film was made in 1996; starring Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt as storm chasers researching tornadoes. It was directed by Jan de Bont, it's remarkable that Steven Spielberg was one of the executive producers. 

    This movie starts with one Feedback; a F-5 tornado attacks the town were a little 5-old Jo lives with her parents and her dog, because this all the family run to their tornado refugee but unfortunately Jo's father is draw out by the tornado, obviously this fact was very important for Jo's life, actually was this what push Jo to study tornados.

    After this flashback Jo appears with his "tornados catchers team" all seems great but suddenly appears Bill Harding and his new girlfriend called Melissa Reeves because they need the divorce papers; Jo is Bill's ex-girlfriend. Jo and Bill have a difficult relationship because they still share the same love about the tornados and also they still love each other ;).
    All gets better since Bill's arrival; a new serial of Tornados stars and Jo's team think about the idea of put Dorothy into one tornado, "Dorothy" is an Bill and Jo's invent what serves for study the characteristics of tornados.

    All the team plus Bill and his girlfriend travell around the State but unfortunately they run out with Jonas Miller another storm catcher who competes with our team, also he made an  invent like "Dorothy" this fact causes a fight with Bill and this new guy.

    After this meet all the team goes to catch new tornados and during one intent to put "Dorothy" into one tornado Jo's 4x4 draw out into this. So, after this failure they went to Jo's aunt house and the team's reaction to this new direction cause a good reaction because they usually went there and eat there, also Jo's aunt is a touching women.

    During the rest of the movie they try useleesly to introduce "Dorothy" to the tornados, it's not since Jo's aunt house fall down when Jo has the idea for improve her invent with some metal cans. Finally they can put "Dorothy" into the tornado and Bill and Jo come back because all the adventures make them feel again their love.

    In my opinion this movie has the action that every movie has to have but also the final was somehow predictable but I need to say that the "Dorothy"'s innovation with some pepsi cans was so good and witty. And why not? I feel so happy when Bill break up with Melissa( really, she was so pedant)

    dimecres, 9 de març del 2016

    London: What I would do if I could return to London.

    If I could return to London I would like to visit Madame Tussauds because I went to his museum two years ago and I liked it very much, it was really good especially the sculptures of the Beatles and Jim Carrey.

    Also, I would like to re-visit "The Warner Bross Studio Tour London" because, obsiusly, it is the best thing  that I've ever visit, and one day it isn't enough to visit all of the "park", and of course I could buy a lot more things.

    Puyvalador's squrirrel
    The next thing I would like to re-visit is Hyde Park because it is amazing and there are a lot of cute-fat squirrels, I'm not a "big fan" of these squirrels, I prefer the squirrels that I usually see while I'm skiing, but anyway the squirrels of Hyde Park are fantastic.

    Hyde Park's squirrel
    In conclusion, I would like to re-visit Madame Tussauds, "the warner bross studio tour London" and Hyde Park.

    dijous, 3 de març del 2016

    Trip Diary

    During our stay in London my best friend and I (Sergi De Sheemaeker ) did a Trip diary; every day we did like 4 videos explaining where we were and what we did those day.
    We had so much fun doing this trip diary because we were in London with all our friends.

    Unfortunately during the first day we didn't make so many videos because we were so tired and we didn't have enough energy.

    Can technology make a better world?

    Lately, there have been so many innovations in a lot of fields, so we should ask to ourselves if tech could make a better world.

     First of all, technology turned us very dependent to it, and osme people can't live without it. It's a fact a lot of terms can't go outside without their respetive mobile phones. Likewise, another con of the growing technology, Is the huge consumtion of energy. It's well known that the Earth is suffering from a climate change caused by all the Co2 emissions which are the consequences of our technology. 

    On the other hand, not all Is bad, thanks to technology, we can live a more comfortable life, and we can se the improvements every day. We've achieved some incredible things, we managed to solve some problems that we have had since ancient times, like: cooking, transports, improving our health, growing more food...

    In conclusion, even of technology has its dark sides, it's obvious that technology has improved our way to see the world and made life easy, so we agree, technology can improve the world.

    My Harry Potter Addictions

    Since I've seen the first Harry Potter movie I feel in love with this saga. Actually the first movie I've seen based on Harry Potter was the Prisoner of Azkaban (or PoA)
    because I was 8 years old. Since this moment I played every day with my friends while we were creating a fake world based on Harry Potter: So, I was  Hermione and two of my best friends were Harry and Ron. It is weird that the boy who played Harry Potter (Hakim) was who liked more HP, so we can say that he introduced me to this magical world.

    When I was 11 or 12 years old I headed for the first time Harry Potter (When everybody goes to Hogwarts). So since then I started searching for new information on the web; new books or the existence of Warner Bross studio tour London and all this stuff.

    Nowdays I have some merchandise based on Hp books and films, like neckless and some extra books.

    I will always love HP books because it is the first big saga that I read. It isn't the saga that took me to discover "books world" because I likes reading before HP, but I love it anyway.