dimecres, 9 de març del 2016

London: What I would do if I could return to London.

If I could return to London I would like to visit Madame Tussauds because I went to his museum two years ago and I liked it very much, it was really good especially the sculptures of the Beatles and Jim Carrey.

Also, I would like to re-visit "The Warner Bross Studio Tour London" because, obsiusly, it is the best thing  that I've ever visit, and one day it isn't enough to visit all of the "park", and of course I could buy a lot more things.

Puyvalador's squrirrel
The next thing I would like to re-visit is Hyde Park because it is amazing and there are a lot of cute-fat squirrels, I'm not a "big fan" of these squirrels, I prefer the squirrels that I usually see while I'm skiing, but anyway the squirrels of Hyde Park are fantastic.

Hyde Park's squirrel
In conclusion, I would like to re-visit Madame Tussauds, "the warner bross studio tour London" and Hyde Park.

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